Next Steps

Step 1
Welcome. You may want to peruse the site which may prompt some thoughts as to what you are looking for. Perhaps you could check out the Frequently Asked Questions and ask one yourself. You could also look in Coke’s Corner, a fortnightly blog on a range of subjects. If you want to visit with us to worship look under Visiting. Perhaps you might like a one-on-one personal Bible study, or maybe you would rather do a Bible Correspondence Course, either by ‘snail mail’ or via the WEB. All you have to do is let us know.
If you want to contact us in some other way, visit our contact page for options!
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is an ancient model of emotional and spiritual support that can be found in all cultures and traditions. The term is considered inclusive of distinctly non-religious forms of support as well as of those from religious communities. We like to provide a shoulder to lean on, compassion, and godly advice. Often time our problems can be alleviated by an understanding of Biblical principles. The old adage – a problem shared is a problem halved – has a lot of truth in it.
Salvation, deliverance, or redemption in Christianity, is the “saving [of] human beings from death and separation from God” by Christ’s death and resurrection, and the justification following this salvation. Salvation is our greatest need since we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. The benefits of Christ’s death need to be appropriated. We do this by hearing the gospel, believing its truths, repenting of our sins, confessing Christ before witnesses, and being baptised into Christ. At that point our sins are forgiven and we are saved. That is not the end but the beginning as we are to mature in Christ and be faithful unto death to receive a crown of life.
God is a Giver and we want to grow in this grace. It’s a part of being like God. Giving is the means by which we sustain works and activities. We ask no funding from Government or the general public. Members give voluntarily in accordance with their personal financial ability, not by levy or compulsion, ‘for God loves a cheerful giver’.
A brief on Baptism is worthwhile doing because of the many varied views on the subject and because of its importance. It is an immersion in water (that being the meaning of the word) and its purpose is to obtain remission of sins and enter into Christ. Baptism is the final act in the plan of salvation and thus is vital. One must hear the gospel, choose to believe it, be prepared to repent of a sinful lifestyle and confess Christ before others. After this one thing remains to be done and that is to bury the old man in baptism for the remission of sins. Having completed that, one emerges from the watery grave as a new creation, having been cleansed from all sin and clothed with Christ’s righteousness.
We have a world-wide view of responsibility and opportunity. We are involved on a regular basis in assisting works in Australia, Africa, India, and more recently, The Solomon Islands. We try to respond to other programs where needs arise for we believe that the gospel needs to be taken to the world.
Connect With a Group
We meet each Sunday but we like to get together at other times. Big city living with distances and time restraints make fellowship more difficult than in earlier times. One thing we do is those who are able meet on Wednesday mornings at various homes. We pray and sing together, study the Bible, and enjoy fellowship over morning tea.
If you would like to be a part of this, just get in contact for the relevant time and location.
We believe in prayer, not as a psychological crutch, but because of the God we pray to. He is a loving Father who says He will listen to our requests and respond appropriately according to His will. Alfred Lord Tennyson said, more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. We believe that prayer changes the world.
Christians are taught to pray for others (1 Tim. 2:1,2) and if we can serve you in this way we would be happy to do so. All of us have needs and desires that are beyond our own capabilities. Perhaps you are struggling right now with a problem or issue. If you would care to, let us know and we will pray for you discreetly and appropriately.
You can let us know by phone, email, or correspondence.
Jesus came to serve and set the perfect example, and so as followers of Him we strive to grow in this area. Our capacities are limited but we like to help as and where we can. If there is something you feel we may be able to help you with, let us know and we will see what we can do.
We Gather Every Sunday
- Sundays
- 9:30am Worship
- 11:30am Bible Study