John 13 is the beginning of the second and somewhat different section of John’s gospel – that of the events
From the desk of Ian Coker, here you will find blog posts covering topics meaningful to our Christian beliefs.
John 13 is the beginning of the second and somewhat different section of John’s gospel – that of the events
I remember a time when a grandson came to me saying, “Poppy, will you help me with this jigsaw?” It
The subject of salvation is the most vital in all of human learning. The eternal destiny of the soul is
Tis the season to be giving, goes a popular song at this time of year. Without a doubt more gifts
It is 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth and offered Himself for our salvation. How can we know it
From Matt. 16 it is evident that there were many theories circulating about Christ during His ministry. He was popularly
Saying the word “Limbo” will provoke different thoughts to different people – maybe even different thoughts to the same person.
The last generation or two has seen the disparaging of doctrine: Don’t preach doctrine, just preach Christ!; Give us the
The question that John had for Jesus, Are you he that should come, or do we look for another?, is,
Many people want to walk by sight and will not walk before and with God except by sight, being ignorant
When God made man in His image, He made them male and female. There are similarities and there are differences.
Neil Gallagher, a Christian campaigner against pornography in the U.S. some years ago, would appear on TV talk shows and