John 13 is the beginning of the second and somewhat different section of John’s gospel – that of the events in the upper room in
We are a congregation of the Lord’s church meeting in Morayfield. We are part of a brotherhood stretching around the world but are autonomous as a local group.
We are a congregation of the Lord’s church meeting in Morayfield. We are part of a brotherhood stretching around the world but are autonomous as a local group.
Our distinctiveness is bound up in our plea – we are not aligned with either Catholicism or Protestantism but are simply Christians advocating the unity of all those who profess to follow Jesus. We want all followers of Christ to be one as Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane (John 17). Most of us have had some denominational background, but have left that to be united in Christ.
We have no creed but the Bible and strive to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent. We are all at different stages in our growth but the common goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ.
John 13 is the beginning of the second and somewhat different section of John’s gospel – that of the events in the upper room in
I remember a time when a grandson came to me saying, “Poppy, will you help me with this jigsaw?” It reminded me that it had
The subject of salvation is the most vital in all of human learning. The eternal destiny of the soul is THE crucial issue of existence.
Tis the season to be giving, goes a popular song at this time of year. Without a doubt more gifts are given and received at